


  Kurzreferat über das von der AKdH entwickelte "Internet-Streetworkiung"© anlässlich der OSZE Konferenz ( the relationship between racist, xenophobic and anti-semitic propaganda on the Internet and hate crimes ) in Paris vom 16. - 17. Juni 2004

Das Internet-Streetworking ist ein aufsuchendes psychosoziales Kurzzeit-Interventionsinstrument.

Unser Vorgehen ist eklektisch unter Anwendung von Mitteln des Psychodramas, der Gestalt- und der Gesprächstherapie .... weiter


About four years ago, we developed the project Internet-Streetworking. We work with adolescent Internet users, who openly profess extremist opinions and a tendency to violence, or who break the law.

I would like to present this project to you with a few examples of how we approach right-wing extremist adolescents. Our approach to left-wing extremists differs at certain points from that towards right-wing extremists  ... more



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