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PRESSEMITTEILUNG vom 6. Februar 2001

(english version below)

Swiss Radio International: Interview
Bericht aus Israel

Insgesamt 44 Nazi-Seiten bei Yahoo! USA gelöscht

Der amerikanische Grossprovider Yahoo!-Geocities löscht weitere 14 deutschsprachige Internetseiten mit nazistischem Inhalt aufgrund erneuter Interventionen der Aktion Kinder des Holocaust, AKdH (www.akdh.ch) .
Nachdem Ende November 22, drei Wochenspäter weitere 8 Seiten gelöscht wurden, erhöht sich die Zahl der in den letzen drei Monaten von der AKdH bewirkten Löschungen von Hass-Seiten allein bei Yahoo!-Geocities USA auf 44.

Die AKdH informiert regelmässig und gezielt die betroffenen Internetprovider
über das Ausmass gehosteter Hass-Seiten. Die sich so entwickelnde partielle,
auf Information basierende Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Aktion Kinder des
Holocaust, AKdH und Hosting-Providern, wie beispielsweise Yahoo! wiederlegt
ein hartnäckiges Gerücht, dass amerikanische Provider die freie Meinungs-
äusserung ("free-speech") höher werten als den Schutz von Minderheiten und daher Löschungen von nazistischen Internetseiten nicht bewirkt werden könne.

Die AKdH stellt zur professionellen und privaten Information, eine Liste mit
Providern zur Verfügung, die eine oder auch mehrere Neonazi-Seiten hosten,
http://www.akdh.ch/NN-Hoster.htm und somit teilweise gegen die eigenen
Richtlinien verstossen.

siehe auch:
http://de.news.yahoo.com/010206/3/1bq8j.html, Yahoo News

Insgesamt 44 Nazi-Seiten bei Yahoo! USA gelöscht, CHIP

44 Nazi-Web-Sites bei Yahoo gelöscht, Internet World

Yahoo-Geocities löscht Neonazi-Seiten, Agenturmeldung von Heise

Yahoo-Geocities löscht 44 Neonazi-Seiten, Internet.com

Extremisten stellen verschlüsselte Terror-Botschaften ins Web
Attentatspläne auf Sportseiten versteckt – Yahoo sperrt 44 Nazi-Websites

Yahoo! löscht 44 Neonazi-Seiten, Tecchanal

Yahoo löscht Neonazi-Seiten
Die Mahner wurden gehört: Yahoo nahm 44 Neonazi-Seiten aus dem Netz, einige verstießen sogar gegen provider-interne Richtlinien.

44 Nazi-Sites bei Yahoo gelöscht, Neue Luzerner Zeitung

Yahoo löscht 44 Neonazi-Websites,  Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Jagd auf rechte Webseiten  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Politik

Yahoo! löscht 44 Nazi-Seiten Antifaschistische Initiative erfolgreich
online Today: http://www.online-today.de/online/heft/home.hbs

Netzverschmutzer rausgebürstet (3Sat)
Yahoo!-Geocities schmeißt 44 Neo-Nazi-Seiten von ihren Servern


44 Nazi-Sites Deleted at Yahoo! USA

One of the major American Internet providers, Yahoo!-Geocities, deleted 14
more German webpages with Nazi content following another intervention of
Aktion Kinder des Holocaust, AKdH. (www.akdh.ch) In November Yahoo! deleted already 22 and in December 8 more sites. This adds up now to 44 deleted hate-pages at Yahoo!-Geocities USA alone within the last three months by means of the interference of AKdH.

AKdH informs on a regular basis the Internet providers involved about the
number and details of hosted hate-pages. The thusly developing co-operation
in this particular matter between Aktion Kinder des Holocaust (AKdH) and
hosting providers, for example Yahoo!, proves the rumour wrong that American providers put "free-speech" before the protection of minorities and that the deletion of Nazi pages will thusly not happen.

AKdH provides at http://www.akdh.ch/NN-Hoster.htm for professional and
private information a list of providers who host at least one Neonazi page,
some of them thusly violationg their own Terms of Service.

Aktion Kinder des Holocaust, AKdH
Samuel Althof, Sprecher AKdH
Postfach 413
CH 4142 Münchenstein 1

Yahoo said to delete dozens of neo-Nazi sites
by Rick Perera, IDG News Service\Berlin Bureau
February 06, 2001, 09:33

Yahoo Inc. and its Web hosting subsidiary GeoCities Inc. have deleted 44 German-language neo-Nazi Web sites in the past three months, a Holocaust survivors' group said Tuesday.

Yahoo has just deleted a further 14 sites, in addition to 22 taken off-line at the end of November, and another eight removed three weeks later, said Samuel Althof, spokesman for the Swiss-based Aktion Kinder des Holocaust (Children of the Holocaust Action).

The group is spearheading a petition drive aimed at providers which host neo-Nazi sites. In less than a month, more that 3,500 people have signed via the Web site http://www.akdh.ch/, Althof said.

German neo-Nazi groups have increasingly moved their Web sites offshore, most often to the U.S., to evade German laws banning racist propaganda.

Asked whether he is satisfied with Yahoo's cooperation, Althof said, "That remains to be seen. We fought almost four months to establish a cooperation. It's improving step by step."

A spokeswoman at the Munich office of Yahoo's German subsidiary, Yahoo Deutschland GmbH, referred a reporter to staff at Yahoo's Santa Clara, California headquarters, who were not immediately reachable for comment.

Yahoo was fined in November by a French court over the accessibility of Nazi memorabilia, illegal in France, on its U.S. auction Web sites. It announced last month that it would ban such items from its sites. The company has said that it will still fight the case via U.S. courts, though it has exhausted its final appeal in France. It has denied that its policy change is in response to the French court order.

Yahoo headquarters can be reached online at http://www.yahoo.com/. Yahoo Deutschland is at http://www.yahoo.de/.

Copyright (c) 2001 International Data Group. All Rights Reserved.

Yahoo! bane sites nazistas do GeoCities

Terça-feira, 6 de Fevereiro de 2001 - 16h31
[ Rick Perera - IDG News Service, Berlim ]

O Yahoo! e seu braço de hospedagem de Web sites pessoais, o GeoCities, tiraram do ar 44 endereços com conteúdo neo-nazista nos últimos três meses, segundo afirmou um grupo formado por sobreviventes do holocausto.
O portal extinguiu recentemente 14 sites, além de 22 que já havia tirado do ar no final de novembro e outros oito que haviam sido removidos três semanas antes, afirmou Samuel Althof, porta-voz do Aktion Kinder des Holocaust (Crianças da Ação do Holocausto). O grupo está liderando um movimento para solicitar aos provedores que abrigam sites de cunho neo-nazista que tirem essas páginas do ar. Em menos de um mês, mais de 3,5 mil pessoas já assinaram em apoio à idéia no site www.akdh.ch, afirmou Althof.

No entanto, os grupos neo-nazistas da Alemanha estão abrigando seus Web sites em outros países para fugir das leis alemãs contra o nazismo. Questionado sobre se está satisfeito com a cooperação do Yahoo!, Althof afirmou que “isso ainda está por ser visto. Nós lutamos quase quatro meses para estabelecer uma cooperação, que está avançando passo a passo”.

Swiss Radio International:
6. Februar 2001
"Over the past months the US Internet Provider Yahoo has deleted more than
forty german language Internet Sites with fascist contents. Among those pointing out these sites to the provider is the Swiss based international organisation Children of the Holocaust.
Founded ten years ago, Children of the Holocaust is an organisation of
children of nazi victims and survivors of the Holocaust.
I asked the spokesman and founder of Children of the Holocaust, Samuel
Althof, how the organisation discovers the sites and how they get the
providers to delete them:  Interview

© Aktion Kinder des Holocaust